Legal Practice Management
- (a) One of the most common selection tools used in organizations a]] over the world is Pane] Interviews. Briefly:
Describe this method of selection,
- Explain the strengths of this method;
- Discuss the challenges associated with this method. (8 marks)
(b) There is increasing awareness and practice of information convergence in organizations. For example many organizations are adopting the use of integrated information systems to guide their opera thons. A Human Resource Information System is in many organizations, part of their integrated information system.
Briefly outline the advantages and disadvantages of using a Human Resource Information System.
(7 marks)
- (a) Define the term placement. (2 marks)
- Discuss the advantages of having a forma] induction programme. (6 marks)
- ” A transfer refers to a lateral movement of employees within the same grade, from one job to another.” Justify the need for this. (7 marks)
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