Question One
Belinda is an American citizen based in America did on the 12th December, 2019 book to travel to Kenya to visit The Masaai Mara with her family and stay in the Serene Hotel. She was scheduled to travel to Kenya and stay in the hotel from the 20th April, 2020. On the 13th March, 2020, there was an International outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic as a result of which all forms of international travel were banned. Belinda has informed Serene Hotel that she is not in a position to travel to Kenya until after the said Covid-19 is contained. Serene Hotel is however feeling aggrieved and are contemplating taking legal action against Belinda for breach of contract.
Using reported cases where applicable advise Serene Hotel on chances of success of such a claim.
(5 marks)
- “The law of contract is clearly the cornerstone of the entire commercial law.” Anonymous. In light of this statement, highlight any SIX arguments that one would advance to justify the
existence of the law of contract.
(12 marks)
- Using one case law in every instance, discuss the following rules of acceptance:
- i) Acceptance must be communicated.
Acceptance once made cannot be revoked.
(8 marks)
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